Tuesday, June 16, 2015

crochet - CAL2015 week 11-15

Hey all,

I have a new update on my CAL blanket. It was quite a challenge this time not because it hard but because I had not the right amount of stiches. well here it is, hope you like it .

The first rows where quite easy and fun to do, the firs was an easy row of half double crochet followed by a double layer. One row on the back side of the previous row and one on the frontside it was fun to do but the result is not spectacular. But the corners look fun. week 11

week 12 and week 13 made some nice couple of bow ties. But boy did I have troubles with it. 
I have forgotten to count the stitches on the previous rows and for these rows they had to be exactly the right amount which they where not of course. So I pulled it out three times and then put it away. 
After week I started again this time I counted all the stitches twice so there would be no mistake. But I'm happy with the result. And also happy that is is done :) 

The rows of week week 14 and week 15 where some nice quick rows. I like the violet v - shapes. Although I am not so sure about the colours. They look a bit mismatched but well I do not want to pull them out again. So hope fully they will blend in with the rest of the blanket.

The blanket is getting pretty big right now it is 69 by 69 cm right now.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Fun with coloring (6)

Hi all, I wanted to show you some more colorings from my travel coloring book. Hope you like them or that you get some inspiration on using some color yourself.
Within my travel book I am making use of stabilo markers as shown in this blog. I wanted to use a nice variety of colors. So I started to build op the 'flowers'. When I was done with them I didn't want to use some extra color afraid that is would be to much. So I decided to make a contrast by using black and grey. unfortunately that did not turned out as I aspected.  So from now on I will be more careful using black and grey in my colorings.

 In the next colorings I am experimenting by using not to many colors. The nice thing about this is the serenity it brings. But you need to be careful to make it interesting.
So I choose to use the colors green, yellow and orange in this coloring. But to prevent it became dull I used some bright red to bring in some excitement in here. I am very happy with the result, when look in at it I thing of the jungle.

Before starting this coloring I looked at the lines on the white paper and thought about water. I was picturing some nice turquoise waves at a beach. Not those muddy waves here in the Netherlands but clear blue like you can find in the mediterranean. Ow how I wish I could be there right now. In my set of markers there are several colors just right for this. For the stripy lines I wanted to use some thing different but not distracting. So there it was a nice yellow and green line. When coloring patterns like these I always try to mix it just so, that there are no spaces next to each other with te same color. 

As a little girl I really hated the color pink. My favourite was (and still is) blue. I thought it was very stupid that other girls liked pink. So I am still a little scared by using pink.
I don't want to use the same colors again and again that will get pretty boring. So it was time to use some pink and purple. This was one was quite difficult there were lots and lots of different areas so to mix them good and even was quite hard. But looking back at it I am happy with the result.

Monday, May 25, 2015

crochet - CAL2015 week 7 - 10

The lost two week I continued with the CAL blanket. And it wat really fun to do. There where two stitches which where completely new to me. So I also learned some new stuff which I love.
So here are the pictures per 'week'


For week 7 there was a new stitch, (in Dutch : de wokkel steek). I really have no idea what it is called in English. But it was really fun to do. Unfortunately I made a mistake, there where supposed to be 2O 'wokkels' at each side but in mine there are 2 sides with 21. But I find this out pretty late so is decided to leave it like this. so it's a bit out of shape (not really square).


Week 8 had a mix of the basic crochet stitches but they are used in variable cluster so it gets a playful variation.  It was fun to do and they where done in no time.

 After the four quick rows from week 8 there Week 9  had only one row but it was a lot of work. Also this was a new stitch for me (in Dutch : de parel steek). Unfortunately no close up picture from this one.
For this row I used a bit op scrap cotton, I hadn't thought about that it might be to short. When I had one side done I watched the remaining ball of cotton and began to be afraid that is wouldn't be enough. But there was al ready so much work in the first side that I refused to pull it out to start over with a new color. So I continued. Lucky for me there was just enough.

The weather yesterday was really nice so we went to a lake nearby and of course I brought my blanket with me and finished the rows of week 10 there. These where some simple halve double crochet, and double crochet row. 

By now my blanket is 54 cm 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Crochet - CAL 2015 week 1 - 6

Last week I was browsing some blogs and found this Crochet along blanket. It is a dutch pattern and is getting bigger every week. I really liked it so I immediately started with some cotton leftovers.
It is very addictive so I managed to reach week 6 in only one week
For week 1 there was the ability to choose between granny's I've chosen the first one. 

 For week 2 the pattern continued with a cross stitch which was very fun to do. 

 For week 3 there was a puff stitch. I am not really happy with the result but when the blanket continues it is not that bad actually
After the little bit frustrating puff stitch there where 3 lovely granny rows in week 4
 Some nice rows of double crochet and half double crochet in week 5

In week 6 counting was pretty important. Luckily they had some nice photo's and diagrams to make it easier. 
The blanket is already getting pretty big, the sides are 40 cm. 
I have already looked at the next weeks and there are some pretty interesting stiches to come so  I will keep you updated when i've got some more. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Fun with coloring (5)

Hi all, It's been a long time since my last blog. I have been quite busy for the past months.
In the next weeks I will show you some of the things I made.

In the last months I've made several trips by airplane. I didn't dare to bring my pencils, afraid they might brake or cause some trouble at the airport. so I bought some nice markers. I also bought the travel edition of the coloring book. Here are the first three colorings.

So this is is the book I bought. It is pretty handy for traveling because of the ring binding. Also the paper is thicker as the other book I have. So it is quite safe to use markers.

This is the first coloring of the book. I really like the bright colors of the markers. It makes me feel realy happy just to look at it. It looks like summer and holiday. 

Here is the second coloring it is really different as the first. I wanted to use 'watery' colors but it was quite difficult to make it attractive with only blue and green. so I added some purple and pink. It was fun to do but I am not completely happy with the result.
I made this coloring close to a swimming pool so unfortunately there are some water splotches on the paper. This made some ugly marks at the other side of the paer.

When is saw this coloring I was in love with it (that was before the splotches). I like the wavy fishes and the air bubbles. I really hate the water splotches here so I didn't finish it. I am still doubting if I want to finish it. But the background is a lot of work. So I am still not sure. What do you think?

And these are the markers I use. I like my pencils better but this is is more practical for traveling. 
I love the brightness of the colors but the dark colours look a lot like each other so the color choice is limited.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fun with coloring (4)

Last two weeks were very busy so I couldn't do much coloring. But I managed to finish two

I really really really love this one. It was really fun to. I love the symmetry and all the curves. It is also fun too see what happens when you mix similar. I am very with the result.

When I started this coloring I really liked it but the result is not what I expected. It is fun too see that the photo is better than the real one. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Fun with coloring (3)

Hey everyone. Here is an update from the coloring I did so far.

While browsing the coloring book is saw this coloring and I just had to color this one. It was like the cherries called to me to color them. I really loved to make al different kinds of color combinations but it was also quite hard to make so many variations. I am happy with the result. 

This is a coloring I am still busy with but it is quite a large one with al those tiny spaces. So far I like the result, but I am a bit anxious I will screw it up if I go further. So hopefully I won't do that you will see it next week